AllCells Announces Expanded Product Portfolio, Guaranteed Cell-Count Leukopaks

August 17, 2020

Alameda, CA – August 13, 2020. AllCells, the leading provider of primary cells supporting biomedical research and commercialization of pharmacological and cellular therapies, announced today that it has expanded its portfolio of primary cells with the launch of the Guaranteed Cell-count Leukopaks.  AllCells is committed to the success of your workflow and removing donor-to-donor variability is one way we can help. Our Guaranteed Cell-count Leukopaks are filled to deliver no less than 10 Billion, 5 Billion or 2.5 Billion cells at release. Benefits include:

  1. Guaranteed minimum quantity of mononuclear cells (MNCs) from a single donor
  2. Minimize downstream variability in your experimental workflow
  3. Exclusive characterization available for every Leukopak(immunophenotyping and complete blood count (CBC) results) upon request
  4. Significantly higher MNC content compared to buffy coats
  5. IRB-approved donor management and collection process

“Consistent and reliable results are critical and cells you use are a key factor in your research. By offering a guaranteed cell count, followed by a robust QC process coupled with a rigorous donor screening process I’m proud to offer this high quality and useful product to our customers,” said Jay Tong, Founder and CEO.

Leukopaks are collected from normal peripheral blood through leukapheresis and contain a high concentration of mononuclear cells (T cells, B cells, NK cells, and monocytes). They are important for cell-based assays (proliferation, T cell activation, etc), cell therapy process development, biomarker discovery and more. However, the total number of MNCs obtained during leukapheresis is donor dependent and inherently variable, which can negatively impact downstream experimental workflows resulting in experimental failures and unnecessary repetition, which is expensive and time-consuming.

With the new Guaranteed Cell-count Leukopak products, you can overcome these challenges, saving time, money and resources. Obtain no less than the number of cells you need for your experimental workflow in as little as 3-days lead-time. Lead times vary depending on project scope and donor availability. Please contact us to begin a statement of work or inquire.

An exclusive bundle offer with the Guaranteed Cell-count Leukopak, which includes additional product characterization (immunophenotyping and 5 part differential CBC counts), is available upon request. Get the quality assurances you want upfront without wasting time. This standardized, cost-effective product takes the guesswork and uncertainty out of the equation, making it easier to execute experiments.

For workflows requiring large quantities of MNCs, AllCells also offers peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) isolated from leukopaks to meet your needs. Consistent, high-quality bulk PBMC isolations from a single donor not only saves time and money, but also minimizes variability in your workflow.

Guaranteed Cell-count Leukopaks are collected from our on-site, IRB approved  bi-coastal collection facilities located in Alameda, California and Quincy, Massachusetts from an extensive pool of healthy, consenting and recallable donors. Mononuclear cell-rich peripheral blood is collected by leukapheresis using the continuous flow Spectra Optia® Apheresis System into ACD-A anticoagulant following a standardized protocol. Guaranteed Cell-count Leukopaks adhere to strict quality standards to ensure the product is of the highest purity, viability, and quality.

Click here to learn more about Guaranteed Cell-count Leukopaks or contact AllCells at 510-726-2700 *same day delivery applies to certain zip codes

About AllCells

Founded in 1998, AllCells, is a global leader in the supply and customization of biologically relevant, high quality research and clinical grade primary cells to enable drug discovery, development, and the manufacturing of cell therapies. Our bicoastal, on-site IRB-approved state-of-the-art collection centers manage a large repository of recallable healthy donors enabling orders to be fulfilled in the shortest time in the industry. Leveraging deep scientific expertise in the industry, the AllCells team is dedicated to delivering the highest quality cells and working with customers to produce customized products as needed.  AllCells – Quality Cells for Quality Science

To learn more about our product offerings and made-to-order custom services, please visit

Name of Press Contact: Valerie Goodwin, Chief Revenue Officer

Phone: 510-726-2700


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