
Lonza and AllCells Join Forces for Global Commercialization of Hematopoietic Primary Cells

Lonza and AllCells Join Forces for Global Commercialization of Hematopoietic Primary Cells

Debbie King
Debbie King, Scientific Writer

February 7, 2019

Walkersville, MD (USA) / Basel (CH) – Lonza and AllCells have entered into a private label partnership for the manufacture and global commercialization of an extensive range of hematopoietic primary cells. This partnership expands Lonza’s broad offering of hematopoietic cell lines and enables cell biologists to easily access a wide selection of high-quality cells to boost their scientific research.

Under the new agreement, the entire AllCells research portfolio of products will bear the Lonza branding and will allow scientists on a global scale to further their research across an array of applications, including drug discovery, toxicity testing, cell therapy and personalized medicine.

Hematopoietic primary cells play a vital role in advancing in vitro research as they closely reflect in vivo morphology, metabolism and growth characteristics. However, obtaining those cells requires researchers to find a variety of donors and perform a series of tedious cell isolations.

“With this partnership, we aim to enable straightforward access to a wealth of viable, ready-to-use hematopoietic cells, such as mobilized peripheral blood progenitor cells,” said Mary Riley, Director of Discovery Solutions at Lonza. “All researchers will need to do is thaw and culture, while also being able to take advantage of Lonza’s strong after-sales technical support.”

Don Klabunde, CEO at AllCells, added: “By leveraging our customization expertise, speed and flexibility to manufacture hematopoietic cells of superior viability and quality, and with Lonza’s extensive reach, we will improve the availability of highly purified cells from different tissue sources to enhance a variety of research needs.” Further information can be found via: www.lonza.com/hematopoietic-products

About Lonza

Lonza is an integrated solutions provider that creates value along the Healthcare Continuum®. Through our Pharma & Biotech segment and our Specialty Ingredients segment businesses, we harness science and technology to serve markets along this continuum. We focus on creating a healthy environment, promoting a healthier lifestyle and preventing illness through consumers’ preventive healthcare, as well as improving patient healthcare by supporting our customers to deliver innovative medicines that help treat or even cure severe diseases.

Patients and consumers benefit from our ability to transfer our pharma know-how to the healthcare, hygiene and fast-moving consumer goods environment and to the preservation and protection of the world where we live.

Founded in 1897 in the Swiss Alps, Lonza today is a well-respected global company with more than 100 sites and offices and approximately 15,500 full-time employees worldwide. The company generated sales of CHF 5.5 billion in 2018 with a CORE EBITDA of CHF 1.5 billion. Further information can be found at www.lonza.com.

About AllCells

AllCells is a leading biotechnology company dedicated to providing researchers and biomanufacturing organizations with high quality primary cells that enable drug discovery, preclinical development, and manufacturing of cell therapies. Leveraging its expertise in hematopoietic and immune cell isolation and characterization together with bi-coastal on-site hematologic tissue clinical collection operations, AllCells maintains a large repository of donor profiles that can be qualified for various biomedical applications. Freshly collected tissue is immediately processed in contiguous manufacturing facilities to produce purified cell types having unparalleled quality and consistency. Cells are shipped worldwide, or fresh cells can be immediately utilized in fee-for-service cell-based assays custom designed according to customer criteria.

AllCells is based in Alameda, California, USA. For more information, please visit www.allcells.com.

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Petra Haberkamm
Tel +49 221 991990

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Constance Ward
Tel +41 61 316 8840

AllCells Contact Information

Director Marketing
Valerie Goodwin-Adams
Tel +1 510 671 8712

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Lonza Group Ltd has its headquarters in Basel, Switzerland, and is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange. It has a secondary listing on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (“SGX-ST”). Lonza Group Ltd is not subject to the SGX-ST’s continuing listing requirements but remains subject to Rules 217 and 751 of the SGX-ST Listing Manual.

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